There are 30 messages in the Guest Book of Maria Mayr:
Terry Ellingson |
2022-10-14 19:28:43 |
Maria, Just wanted to say hello! My mother loved her time at Hunters Shipyard. I have one of your landscapes in yellow. not sure the title. Carolyn must have traded or bought thsi piece from you. Hope ll is well in 2022 for you. Keep on! Terry
Via |
2019-05-05 00:53:27 |
Hello Maria, I love your art. It’s awesome
bob quinn |
2016-03-10 15:44:52 |
I bought a number of your paintings and prints at an open studio sale in South San Fran in 1998. I was visiting a friend at the time, and she took me straight to you. I had to contain myself, I was so enamored to so many pieces! Such variety, and all so vibrant.
I'm glad to find you online! I suspect I'll be back.
Lora Sanders |
2013-05-13 20:54:27 |
I have one of you prints, The Blue Chair. I love it. I'm in San Diego. Do you have any pieces down here at any gallery's?
Jim Davis |
2012-11-21 11:41:01 |
Enjoyed viewing your work.
John & Lorraine Skaff |
2012-07-19 15:41:24 |
We have many of your monos that we purchased at Hunters Point. Still on our walls. Still enjoy them. First time we have seen your website.
2011-05-27 01:43:32 |
Hi Maria- Thank you for nice company on the plane from SFO to Frankfurt yesterday... I could not wait to take another peak at your art, you are truly blessed with this talent. Your art is beautiful! Hope to see you again in October, if not before. Warm Regards, Barbro
Gabriela |
2011-01-23 16:15:10 |
Great work, I do not see here the ¨ode to joy¨. Cheers
Rob Brummett |
2010-10-28 13:05:39 |
Met in San Francisco back in April and am interested in your Trust series.
Evamaria Höffer |
2010-01-07 05:50:54 |
Liebe Maria Mayr,
es ist doch sehr interessant, wie die Wege der Menschen sich kreuzen... nun stellen wir unsere Bilder im Grünen Haus aus und so kommen wir auch in den Genuß der Bilder auf Ihrer Homepage!
AUGURI - Herzlichen Glückwunsch durchweg schöne und interessante Arbeiten Möchten Sie nicht auch mal in Ihrer Heimatstadt Pfullendorf ausstellen ?
Ich würde mich freuen!
Herzliche Grüße und best wishes for a happy new year Evamaria Höffer
Lynae Hanson |
2009-10-08 19:56:52 |
Maria, I met you in San Francisco 3 years ago and so wanted to buy a piece of artwork from you... Some day I will. Love your work. It is beautiful and uplifting. Lynae
Deine Hausener vom Andelsbach |
2009-04-27 12:13:19 |
Very interesting Pictures, but we are missing the artificial hearts from you!! Sonscht isch alles OK im alta Hausa.
Lass mol wieder was von Dir hera.
M Sullivan |
2008-08-25 20:22:38 |
Hi Marie - when I was very young and lived in San Francisco I buoght a few of your pieces. I still hang them with much pride in my house here in Seattle. I get alot of compliments on them. I wanted to see what else you do now. Could you add me to your email distribution list. I will try to make it down next time you have an art show in the Bay area. Thanks M Sullivan
Birgit |
2008-03-19 01:41:13 |
Hallo Tante Maria, ich habe Deine Webseite gefunden wir suchen uns in Ruhe ein Bild aus und geben Dir Bescheid.
Liebe Grüße aus Rothenburg Deine Birgit
Dan Collyer |
2007-11-04 17:55:35 |
We purchased 4 of your "chairs" at a Cystic Fibrosis benefit about 6 years ago and have loved them ever since. We had a dinner party tonight and some friends were admiring them and we wound up at your website. We love what you create and wish you the best. Thanks for adding some color and whimsy (sp?) to our kitchen. We just love them.
maritta carlström |
2007-06-16 15:03:26 |
Hi Maria. It was nice talking to you on the phone today from Germany.I love the picture you painted of me some 30 years ago! I checked your new work and I really love the vibrant colors in your landscapes and the women in different mood.As I am a lover of black and white. the prints put me in gooood mooood!
michael kheir |
2007-06-14 04:02:50 |
love your work, very nice colors, atractive subjects and interesting tinique, you seem to be very hard worker. liked the black and white too. The best of luck to you. I am one of the artists that display with mesart
michael kheir |
2007-06-14 04:01:49 |
love your work, very nice colors, atractive subjects and interesting tinique, you seem to be very hard worker. liked the black and white too. The best of luck to you. I am one of the artists that display with mesart
Mary Ann Laun |
2006-07-20 07:48:00 |
I met you last year in Union Square and admired your work. I check in periodically to see what you are working on...I love your new landscapes! maryann
traci stokes |
2006-06-05 22:10:53 |
was trying to look for other...."waiting for godot" paintings.... do you have them at another web site?
thanks, Traci
Monika Ferguson Mundy |
2005-12-02 08:47:11 |
Hi Maria!
We haven't spoken for years so seeing your website is a real treat. I have four of your pieces in our house and this Thanksgiving my sister-in-law who has admired your work for years got on line and found your site. Charlotte is an art teacher and is so curious about how you did the still life I bought from you when I lived in San Francisco.
I've been browsing through your site and absolutely love what I see...of course I always did.
Don't know how often you check your site...would love to hear from you.
Michael Bacon |
2005-04-29 08:02:12 |
We bought one of your monotypes at a street art fair in San Francisco years ago.( It was pears and other fruit on a purple platter) It has been one of our favorite pieces. We were so glad to find this website with your work. We bought Sunflower # 9 last night and can't wait to get it. Your work is so alive and uplifting.
Gene Brockland |
2005-04-26 13:46:18 |
I have had two of your prints at home and two at my office for five years now. They are much enjoyed by me and much admired by friends and visitors. Glad we ran across you at Union Square.
Brian Heller |
2004-07-19 12:53:10 |
We bought "Godot's other chair" monoprint from you a few years ago in Union Square. Just wanted you to know how we continue to enjoy your art. Did you engrave the basic image in copper and then indivually ink the plate?
Wolf |
2004-05-03 10:54:27 |
Maria, fun seeing you on Sat. Thx 4 the pictures, they look great on the wall. I'll send you a digi pic.
Next time I would like to go for the Pears and Artichokes...Wolf.
gerda gloor |
2004-01-27 08:55:46 |
liebe maria, grossartig - wundersch?n - wohltuend - gl?cklich machend .... das empfinde ich beim betrachten deiner werke. ganz liebe gr?sse, danke f?r gestern und auf wiedersehen.
Bob DeVisscher |
2003-12-16 12:21:44 |
My wife and I love your work. We have one of your chairs in oil. Would it be possible to get a larger print of one of your sunflowers by Christmas.
Leslie Palmer-Ross |
2003-09-04 06:12:02 |
Hi Maria,
The owner of our company Greg Hennes purchased some pieces from you at the art crawl in San Fransisco in May. They were small pieces of chairs etc. Do you have more of those? Please advise. Also, What would our price be on the pieces on the website?
Geraldine FitzGerald Nehl + Maritta Carlstrom |
2000-01-01 01:21:48 |
Maritta is visiting me in North Carolina and showed me how to find you. Your paintings are lovely.
Terry Horrigan |
2003-04-24 09:25:45 |
Dear Maria--I love your work that I see every day on the third floor of California Pacific Medical Center. That work is yours, isn't it? Terry